
So I needed pycrypto for some AES bits I was doing.

Unfortunately I was playing in windows so it wasn’t as easy as apt-get install.

Download pycrypto from here. Once downloaded extract it and then you’ll need to run ‘python setup.py build’. Unfortunately python 2.7.5 looks for visual studio 2007 so you need to trick it into using the version of visual studio you having installed, in my case… Continue reading

Mentioned by hdm here and here but I wanted to make a note of this myself. First thing to do is setup the scan to look for vulnerable telnetd services:

12345msf > use auxiliary/scanner/telnet/telnet_encrypt_overflow msf  auxiliary(telnet_encrypt_overflow) > set RHOSTS RHOSTS => msf  auxiliary(telnet_encrypt_overflow) > set THREADS 64 THREADS => 64

And now to run the scan

123456789101112131415msf  auxiliary(telnet_encrypt_overflow) > run [*] Does not support encryption: Netgear Embedded… Continue reading